
Stat Pro - Static Weighing System


Measurement either Volumetric or gravimetric is an essential requirement of any Bulk processing Industry. Volumetric measurement is done with help of Vibratory feeder, Screw feeder, Conveyor's can be used where accuracy is insignificant. Gravimetric system is essentially called as Weighing System. In Weighing system equipment’s are assisted / controlled with the help of Loadcells, weight indicators, VFD`s and controllers. PSPL provides tailor made automated solution for weighing System of in process raw and processed materials.

Hopper Weighing – Mostly 3-Point measurement system for preparation of recipe & proportioning

Silo Weighing – Diameter > 2mtr, preferably 4 -point loading system, for Inventory maintenance and monitoring.

Tank Weighing – 1-point loading in case of liquid measurement for liquid inventory management and dosing system

Gain in weight – Most of the time the ingredient is extracted from storage as per required recipe and weighed in common hopper. Accuracy is comparatively good

Loss in Weight – The material is stored in Silo which in turn is rested on load cell. At a time only one ingredient can be proportioned.

PSPL's has a proven track record of selection of Load cell, designing, integration and tuning of mechanical equipment with load cell and controller.

Also PSPL provides Minor (Weighment range 0.5 Kgs to 5 Kgs) and Micro (Weighment range 0.01 Kgs to 1 Kgs) Batching system depending on Batch Size.

    Key Component's
  • Load cell
  • Load cell Mounting kit
  • Load cell cable
  • Weight Indicator / Controller / PLC

Dan Pro – Dynamic Weighing System



Occasionally it is required to measure the flow rate of material which is achieved by Belt Weigher wherein the material moving on conveyor belt is measure with help of loadcell and Encoder. A material moving on the specific belt length is computed by measuring belt speed and instantaneous material weight. Applicable to existing Belt conveyor. Belt weigher is 2 & 4 load cell type. Incorporating BW in existing conveyor needs tuning of various aspects of BC viz:Uniform thk of Belt, eliminating bumpy mfg defects of BC assembly. Over the years PSPL has developed it`s own expertise in setting the BW in existing BC.

Similarly for flow rate application PSPL provides another stand alone equipment fully equipped with Load Cell, Encoder & specific length belt conveyor alongwith control gate and Control panel. This has a better accuracy as compared with belt weigher. PSPL has developed its own controller and have an expertise for integrating all these electrotechnical component`s and tuning them for expected best results.
